About Us

The Otaku Daily is a small team of anime and manga lovers who wish to share their passion for the art form with millions of fans around the world. We hope to provide our readers with the latest news of the otaku world and hope to keep you up to date with the new trends. In addition to this we also write recommendations and reviews. While we do try our best to be factually accurate, there can be instances where you come across some errors. We request you to contact us in such instances.

Our writers are mostly part-timers who are employed overwhelmingly in the IT industry. It is their shared love of anything otaku that has brought them together. Some of them have no previous writing experience, but we work very hard to ensure that the articles are well edited and provide readers the information that they are looking for.

In case, you like our work and wish to remain in touch with more updates about the anime and manga world, then you can follow us on Twitter. If there is anything you wish to say to us whether its criticism or just some feedback please visit our contact us page.