From the creators of Death Note comes another tale of moral ambiguity and complex...
Mirza Aaqib Beg
Mirza Aaqib Beg is an Anime Writer from India. He began his career as a writer back in 2020 and has since then authored over 3k articles. The primary focus of his work has been anime, which should not be a surprise since he has been a fan for years. His love for anime has led him to the spellbinding world of manga, something he is hoping to become well-acquainted with in the coming years. In his free time, Aaqib loves to read books. He is also an avid traveler who has a special place in his heart for mountains.
‘A Couple of Cuckoos’ or ‘Kakkou no Iinazuke’ is a romance comedy harem anime...
Chainsaw Man has emerged as one of the most popular anime of the Fall...
In the Chainsaw Man universe, devils are a real threat and not just a...
MAPPA’s Chainsaw Man revolves around an impoverished young man named Denji, who is under...
In Blue Lock episode 3, Isagi and his dormmates faced were informed by Jinpachi...
In Blue Lock episode 4 titled Premonition and Intuition, Isagi and his dormmates schedule...
After episode 1 ended with the heartbreaking elimination of Kira from Blue Lock, the...