MAPPA’s Chainsaw Man revolves around an impoverished young man named Denji, who is under a huge debt that was originally owed by his father to the yakuza. He lost his father when he was just a boy but luckily met a chainsaw devil dog named Pochita. The two formed an emotional bond in the days following their first meeting and became inseparable soon afterwards. Unfortunately, one day, the yakuza debt collector and other members made a contract with a dangerous devil and got Denji killed. Luckily, Pochita was still alive and he decided to fuse with Denji’s body, to give him his powers and a new life as a human-devil hybrid. The supernatural action show follows him as he joins the Public Safety Devil Hunters and begins fighting against dark forces of the world.
Is Chainsaw Man on Crunchyroll?
In North America, Oceania, parts of South America and Europe, fans who plan to watch the show will most likely find it on Crunchyroll. All the latest episodes are accessible here. Crunchyroll has a 14-day trial that can be used to watch the anime for free.
Is Chainsaw Man on VRV?
Along with Crunchyroll, Chainsaw Man is also streaming in most of the western world on VRV. Subscribers with a premium plan can find the anime here. VRV has a month-long free trial period, which fans can use to stream the anime free of cost.
Is Chainsaw Man on Hulu?
Hulu US and Hulu Japan both have Chainsaw Man in their extensive catalog. So, if you wish to watch it, then you can head on the aforementioned links. Furthermore, their 30-day free trial can also be used to watch a few episodes free-of-cost.
Is Chainsaw Man on Amazon Prime?
In Japan, Chainsaw Man is accessible for streaming on Amazon Prime as well. One can use the 30-day free trial provided by the platform to watch the show. The anime is also part of Amazon’s catalog in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and a few other Asian countries.
Where to Stream Chainsaw Man in Japan?
In Japan, one can also watch the supernatural action anime on Wowow, Douga-flat, HikariTV, Bandai Channel, Animehodai, AnimekaTV, U-Next, Telasa, Spoox, Paravi, FOD, Disney+ Japan, AbemaTV, and dTV.
Where to Watch Chainsaw Man for Free?
Before we give you details about the free streaming options, we would like to clarify that we do not endorse watching any content on paid platforms for free. Therefore, we advise our readers to always pay for the subscription before they stream their favorite shows, movies, documentaries, or anime. However, if you are just testing different anime platforms before buying a subscription, then Crunchyroll and VRV (also Hulu and Amazon Prime) offer a 14 and 30-day free trial, respectively, for first-time subscribers. Both of them can be used to watch Chainsaw Man for free.